Monday, March 12, 2012


Okay, So I'm not one to push people to sign petitions. I know how annoying and exasperating those petitioners are when they harass students to sign things at school BUT, this is one situation that is really heartbreaking to me and for some reason, this problem really speaks to me. I'm not a hippie, but lets face the facts. The world is slowly becoming a polluted, technological wasteland and having these small Amazonian tribes still existing in our world is a rare treasure that we MUST preserve. It is a glimmer of the past towards life on Earth that we cannot even begin to fathom. As the world progresses, these indigneous people, these amazing natural environments and animals are the only things we have left to remind us of what natural beauty exists on our planet. Not only that, but this is a HOME that these people are being forced out of. So please read the information below and sign the petition! I promise they're not going to ask for all your information and they're not going to send you stupid emails. 

Kayapo tribe’s chief listening that an hydroelectrical plant is going to be build sweeping their homeland.
“While newspapers and television talk about the lives of celebrities, the chief of the Kayapo tribe received the worst news of his life: Dilma, “The new president of Brazil, has given approval to build a huge hydroelectric plant (the third largest in the world). It is the death sentence for all the people near the river because the dam will flood 400,000 hectares of forest. More than 40,000 Indians will have to find another place to live. The natural habitat destruction, deforestation and the disappearance of many species is a fact.”
(For those of you who want to read up more about it, it’s called the Belo Monte Dam. I’m not sure if it’s actually effectively in construction yet, I’m trying to find more accurate information on the Internet! but it’s still good to know.)

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